Sunday, August 19, 2012

My Vacation Part 1: The Outer Banks

My family went on vacation for a week from Thursday, August 9th - Thursday, August 16th. My parents decided it very last minute. First we went to the Outer Banks. I love going to any beach, and I already went to a different beach earlier this so I was excited to go again. The ride there took about seven hours. When we gt there we ate dinner and went straight to our campsite to set up our tent. By then it was dark outside. When we drove to our reserved spot only to find that someone else had taken it! We moved down a few spots and set up our tent there instead. On the beach there is always wind, so when the wind was swaying our tent a little bit we were not worried. I saw some lightning in the distance and got a little bit worried. My mom said it probably wouldn't come to the place we were staying. Well two hours later there was bigger gusts of wind that made it feel like the tent was about to collapse! Then the lightning and thunder started coming and it started pouring rain. The inside of our tent was getting soaked. I got freaked out and our family went to the car to sleep for a little bit while my dad tried to fix the tent. When he was done half of my family went back to the tent and half stayed in the car (including me). It kept thundering and lightning, but it stopped raining. A little while later it started pouring rain again. The half of our family in the tent wanted to come back into there car because they were getting soaked and the tent was about to collapse on top of them.                                                                                                                                                     

This is our tent after everyone was in the car.

This is how soaked or tent got.

This us sleeping in the car.

When we woke up it was cloudy, but then it cleared up and it was actually sunny! My parents had had this tent for about fifteen years. It lasted a long time! When it was light outside  my dad took the tent apart only to find the poles looking like this:
These our the tent poles

 My parents ended up throwing the tent away. We went to the beach for about an hour and then it started storming again! That night we stayed in a motel and went to the beach the next day. Everyone went for about an hour and a half before it started raining (no thunder or lightning this time though). Almost everybody left except for me, my dad, Spencer's friend, and Spencer's friend's parents. I stayed for another thirty minutes or so and then we left. That night we drove the three hours to Williamsburg which is part two of my vacation. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

How to Make Flower Bows

These bows are nice and easy and they turn out good with whatever colors you choose to use. I found the fabric at JoAnn's Fabric Store. It has to be 100% polyester or else it will not work.

A hot glue gun

The colors of your choice 100% polyester fabric
White Felt 
Hair Clips  (we found the best price at Sally's Beauty Supply)
Craft Jewels

Choose the colors you'd like to use and trace 4 circles the following approximate sizes (no need to be exact). 

For each bow: 
Cut circles x 2:  about 12 cm (around a CD)
Cut circles x 1:  about 9 cm (around the top of a glass)
Cut circles x 1:  about 5 cm (around the bottom of a glass)

Light a candle and very carefully burn the edges of the circles till they curl upward, taking care not to light them on fire.  I used a clothespin so I didn't burn my fingers. Repeat for all the circles.

  Once all the circles are done they will look like this

Take the hot glue gun and put a dab of glue in the middle of one of your large fabric circles. Put your other large one on top and push with the clothespin so it looks like this. 

Put a dab of hot glue on the fabric circle on top and take the medium sized fabric circle and center it in the middle of the large fabric circle. Push it firmly with the clothespin.
Do the same with the smallest circle. Take one of the craft jewels and put a little bit of hot glue on the back of the jewel and place it in the middle of the flower.

Now it is almost finished! Take one of the hair clips place a small piece of felt between the prongs of the clip (about 3 cm tall and 2 1/2 cm wide) and  across the one side of the clip and the felt put some hot  glue around the outside of the clip.

Carefully place the clip on the flower and press firmly to hold in place.

Allow to cool and now you can put it straight in your hair!